"Greiner eHealth Technologies" perfect

What is "Greiner eHealth Technologies" perfect?
"Greiner bio-one eHealth Technologies" refers to the comprehensive application of both software and hardware for an efficient streamlining of processes in healthcare.
"Greiner eHealth Technologies" perfect is a unique IT based preanalytical approach to eliminate or significantly reduce unconformities. This means not just improvements from an economic point of view but also improvements in quality and safety standards. By using "Greiner eHealth Technologies" solutions these requirements can be fulfilled thanks to the perfect barcode quality and the middleware with automated LIS data exchange. It supports digitalisation of orders and provides a perfect workflow at the laboratory.
How does it work?
Studies have shown that approximately 85% of mistakes occurring in laboratory tests are down to errors made at the pre-analytic stage. When used together with the prelabelled Vacuette® sample collection tubes, the new software system can be the solution to all these problems.
By scanning the patient’s wristband and and combining the tubes and the LIS through a completely digitalized data exchange, "Greiner eHealth Technologies" provides standardization that cuts down time-consuming procedures significantly. The digital reports are transmitted to both specialists and patients and on top of that "Greiner eHealth Technologies" perfect has a neat archiving solution.
The application of an eHealth system increases safety while reducing costs. Mistakes caused by incorrectly labelled sample containers as well as errors during the actual sample collection are prevented.
Features of "Greiner eHealth Technologies" perfect:
- Future proof: data related to quality and security, such as the sample date, are transmitted to the lab using a simple scan.
- Efficient: even with increasing numbers of samples, our system ensures that work is straightforward and supported, and the quality is enhanced. You can save up to 53% of time a year in sample preparation and handling.
- Flexible: whether you choose our complete solution or just the barcode tubes, we will be happy to assist you in this process.
- Safe: scanning the patient’s wristband and the unique barcode on the tube identifies them clearly and provides optimum security for you and your patients.
Visit www.gbo.com/get and discover the "Greiner eHealth Technologies" calculator to find out your savings potential!
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